Tag Archives: Last cuentista

Last Cuentista, My Ideal World, Book Making

The Last Cuentista 


Reading The Last Cuentista was amazing to read and understand a complex book with my class and having someone to talk about the book with. I feel like The Last Cuentista had just enough action, thriller, suspense, and happiness all in one. The person that wrote this book kept the book going for just the right amount of time. The book was about a girl whose world is ending (the planet) and having to travel to another planet for 300 years and being put to sleep but something is not right when she wakes up. To keep a story going means to pull the reader and not let them out of your grasp. 

My Ideal World

When drawing my Ideal World in Language Arts I had loads of fun because drawing is one of my favorite things to do. When writing about my Ideal World I was allowed to have freedom in my writing and come up with my own fairy land. I loved expressing myself in writing and drawing about a different planet. 

Book Making 

When making my book I felt free in what I could do with my book. In my eyes, the book that I made represents my brain and myself. We made books with a very nice lady named Peg Gignoux. She helped us design and express ourselves and every Language Arts class in sixth grade. 

In conclusion, this year’s Language Arts was amazing and I hope that next year’s Language Arts is just as good as the next.