Tag Archives: stocks


In Language Arts we had a project in stocks. I never thought I would be so ecxited to check my stocks. I enjoyed this so much more than I thought I would have. I invested in Nike, Target Retirmer, StarBucks, Walt Disney, and Walmart. At the beginning, Nike was at $123.66 and I invested 49 shares and now is at $126.73 (4/13/23 to 5/31/23). StarBucks was $105.6 and I invested 95 shares, and is now at $103.9. Walt Disney was at $97.94 and I invested 39 shares, and it is now at $100. Target Retirmer was at $45 and I invested 1 share, it’s now at $17.60. Walmart was at $22, I invested 2 shares but it is now at $21.58. My total amount of money I invested in was $20,000. I earned $41.03. I think this connects to The Westing Game, the book we were reading in Language Arts because of Turtle. In The Westing Game she invested in stocks and we were updated multiple times through out the book.  All of this was “play money” and this was just for a learning opportunities and fun. I loved doing this stocks “project”!