Tag Archives: Wisdom tales

Wisdom Tales Project


Wisdom Tales Project

In Language Arts we had to make a project on a wisdom tale from a book called ‘Wisdom Tales from Around the  World’. The people in my group were Louise, Sophia, and Elena. We made a scratch project and here is the link to it: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/754384288. We wanted to work together, and also do well.  Sophia was in charge of coding, Louise made the buttons and Elena put in the facts. We chose the story Feeding his Clothes. It was about a man who wanted to go to dinner. When he arrived no one spoke to him because of how he was dressed and no one fed him. So he went home and put on some good clothes. He got all dressed up, and when he arrived everyone talked to him and fed him. While he was eating he fed food to his clothes. Everyone wondered and asked him, “Why are you feeding your clothes?” He told them that these clothes brought him here and they should be fed first. The moral of the story is “Don’t judge people on how they look.” This was a great story and taught us a very important lesson. We loved working on this  project, and enjoyed working together!